TNB Essentials #3 - Building A Strong Circle

TNB Essentials #3 - Building A Strong Circle

Building Strong Connections: The Power Of Your Inner Circle

In the grand scheme of life, one valuable lesson we should all learn at a young age is the significance of the people we choose to surround ourselves with. The individuals you keep close will inevitably shape your journey, so it's imperative that you carefully select those who inspire, respect, care for, and reciprocate your feelings. Throughout my last seven-years playing football, I've traversed through various teams, each experience illuminating the importance of maintaining a small and square-free circle.


My football journey began at the University of Regina Rams in 2016 and 2017. From there, I moved to the Okanagan Sun in 2018, followed by the University of Saskatchewan in 2019. In 2021, I joined the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and have been proudly wearing the Saskatchewan Roughriders jersey since 2022. These transitions exposed me to diverse environments and friend groups, teaching me that not every teammate will become your closest confidant. Instead, you'll naturally form connections with individuals from different backgrounds who may become lifelong friends. The bonds you create with your teammates are invaluable, considering the substantial amount of time you spend together – often more than with your family and significant other. Without the circles I've built along the way, I can't fathom where I'd be today. These friends have been instrumental in my journey, providing unwavering support during the most challenging times.


Growing up with friends or people who aren't aligned with your goals can be tough, especially in a small town where it's challenging to form new connections. When you're forced to stick with negative influences, it's easy to adopt their bad habits and mindset, hampering your personal growth and work ethic.


Your circle should consist of people willing to grow, improve, and inspire you. If your friends are content with stagnation, their complacency can poison your ambitions. Thus, it's crucial to find a circle that uplifts and motivates you.


If you feel that your current circle doesn't align with your aspirations, here's how you can start seeking more supportive friendships:


1. Connect with like-minded individuals: Seek out people in your field of interest or work. For instance, as a professional football player, I gravitate towards other professional athletes who can teach me new skills and offer fresh perspectives. Surround yourself with those who can uplift and challenge you to become better.


2. Observe their actions: Pay attention to how potential friends behave and identify their habits. Ensure that they not only share your interests but also possess the character traits you admire. Remember, shared interests do not guarantee a good match if their values and actions are misaligned with yours.


3. Trust your instincts: Building genuine connections should be natural and effortless. Never force a friendship, as authenticity is the foundation of a strong bond. Listen to your gut feeling and prioritize those connections that feel right.


The people you surround yourself with play a pivotal role in shaping your life's trajectory. Maintaining a small, square-free circle filled with individuals who inspire, support, and challenge you is a key factor in personal growth and success. As you embark on your journey to find the right circle, remember to seek out like-minded individuals, observe their actions, and trust your instincts. Building a strong support system can be the driving force behind your achievements and personal development.


Elevating Success With A Mindful Goal Setting Strategy

Goal setting is a fundamental aspect of personal growth and achievement. Throughout my journey, I've discovered that evolving my approach to goal setting has been a game-changer, especially in the realm of athletics. In the past, I used to set goals like, "Be an all-star at the end of the year," "Be the best defensive lineman in the league," or "Have the most sacks at the end of the year." While these goals were well-intentioned, they had a limiting effect. They implied that I wasn't those things yet and needed to become them. However, I've since adopted a more powerful approach that allows me to trick my mind into believing I'm already the best version of myself. 


Now, I set my goals like this: "I am the best player in the league," "I will be the sack leader," "I feel confident in my abilities to be great." This approach shifts my mindset. I no longer need to wait until the end of the year to consider myself an all-star or sack leader. I can believe in these qualities from the get-go, boosting my confidence as I step onto the field.


This simple shift in goal setting has had a profound impact on my performance on the field. Regardless of your skills and abilities, having the right mental game is essential. Believing that you can outperform your opponent at any moment is the key to success. It's not just about skill; it's about the unwavering confidence in your abilities.


If you want to start implementing this empowering goal-setting strategy, here's a list to get you started. Fill in the following, and watch how your mindset begins to shift:


1. I Am: Define who you are right now, and aim high. For example, "I am a successful entrepreneur."


2. I Will: Set clear and specific goals for the future. For instance, "I will increase my business's revenue by 30% in the next year."


3. I Feel: Identify the emotions and confidence you want to experience. For example, "I feel confident and enthusiastic about my work."


4. I Drive: Pinpoint your motivation and determination. What drives you? "I drive my passion for helping others."


5. I Earn: Clearly state what you aspire to earn, whether it's financial or personal growth. "I earn a sense of fulfillment and financial security."


6. I Have: List the things you want to possess. For instance, "I have a thriving and supportive network of friends and colleagues."


7. I Love: Express your passion and what you love to do. "I love making a positive impact on people's lives."


8. I Care: Highlight what you deeply care about. "I care about the well-being and happiness of my family and friends."


9. I Take: Acknowledge the actions you'll take to achieve your goals. "I take consistent steps toward self-improvement and personal growth."


10. I Make: State the impact you intend to make on the world. "I make a meaningful contribution to my community and society as a whole."


By adopting this mindful goal setting strategy, you can empower yourself to believe that you are already the person you aspire to be. This shift in mindset can have a profound impact on your performance and success, as it instills unshakable confidence and determination. So, start setting your goals with this approach, and watch as you manifest your own success and personal growth.


TNB Football Camps: Your Path To Football Excellence

As the football season draws to a thrilling conclusion with the provincial championship on the horizon, we are excited to announce that our TNB Football Camps are experiencing a surge in sign-ups. We urge you to seize this golden opportunity to enhance your football skills by signing up early, as we limit the number of participants for each camp, and they are filling up rapidly. Don't miss out on the chance to receive coaching from professional athletes, compete against the best talents in southern Saskatchewan, and catch the eye of junior and university teams in the region. Here's a glimpse of the exciting camps we are offering in the coming year:


  1. Pass Rush Academy:

  High School Group (Grade 9-12):

     - Saturdays: January, February, March, & April 2024

     - Time: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

     - Where: Hodsman Rd Regina, Sk

  Pro Group (University, Junior, & Pro Levels):

     - Sundays: January, February, March, & April 2024

     - Time: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

     - Where: Hodsman Rd Regina, Sk

Our Pass Rush Academy is your ticket to mastering the art of pass rushing. Whether you're a high school player aspiring for college football or a pro-level athlete looking to elevate your game, our program is designed to cater to your unique needs.


2. Sask Elite Big Man Camp:

For High School Athletes (Grades 9-12) in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, at the Yara Center.

 - Designed specifically for defensive linemen and offensive linemen keen on honing their skills and taking their game to the next level. If you're in grade 8 and interested, please reach out to us before registering.

 - Camp Schedule: Every Wednesday evening from 7-9 pm throughout January and February. Personalized coaching from Nicholas (for defensive line skills) and Josiah (for offensive line expertise) in the first hour, followed by a competitive environment that allows both offensive and defensive linemen to test their abilities and push each other towards improvement.


3. School Of Football:

For Ages 12-15:

     - Sessions every Saturday from January to April, 5:00 PM to 6:15 PM.

    For Children Aged 12 and Under:

     - Sessions every Sunday from January to April, 5:00 PM to 6:15 PM.

Our School Of Football offers flexible participation options, including monthly packs that allow you to choose the months that align with your schedule. For those committed to the entire program, we offer a special discounted package. No matter your age or skill level, join us on a fantastic journey of football development and athletic growth.

Location for camps: Hodsman Rd Regina, Sk

The first session for both age groups starts on January 13th & 14th, 2024. 


TNB Football Camps provide an extraordinary opportunity to enhance your football skills, receive expert coaching, and connect with like-minded athletes. Don't miss your chance to participate in these transformative experiences and prepare for a brighter future in football. Register now and become a part of our football community dedicated to excellence and success.


Quote Of The Week 

Honor your commitments to yourself. 




And that brings us to the end of this week's TNB Essentials. We hope you've enjoyed this fresh approach to our blogs and catch-up emails. 


If you're new here, a warm welcome to the family! We're dedicated to delivering insights and inspiration like this on a weekly basis, so be sure to stay tuned for more. 


Have A Day & and we'll catch up again next week!  


Best regards, Nick


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